Sunday, January 9, 2011

Almost forgot BOW '11!

Throughout the past week, I have been pushing many a person to participate in BOW '11, and here I was, last night freaking out at three A.M. thinking that I had forgotten to blog for the week. See I was so used to the BEDA blogging schedule of Sun-Sat. But, here we are! Sunday night of the "official" Week 1 of BOW '11. Let us get this party started.


So, around four years ago, Nick discovered the amazingness that is Dr. Horrible . He showed it to friends, they liked it, and the love in their hearts grew. One friend in particular loved it so much that whenhe became a senior in High School, he tried to put on a performace of the show. But, it didn't work out. But the fire within his heart still grew, and only one year later he, alongside a theatre troop, would perfom it at a city theatre and he played the lead. I went to see it saturday night and it was amazing! I've seen it thousands of times and it was crazy funny on the stage, especially with their own daptations of the props. (Example-- The Carrier van was played by an actor in a wheelchair and the wheels were other characters. The entire scene they smiled when being saved... it was great!) <-- word jumble sorry.
The last thing that I'll say is that when Dr. Horrible is using his remote (phone) to control the van, on stage, my friend Erik, texted me the following-- "Hey! I'm texting you from the stage!" I was excite.

Okay, so I love the fact that we can post blog posts more than once a week, and I might do that soon! I start school wednesday, so we'll see how thnings go along. Also, next post I'll have a secret surprise. :D Sorry, if my blogging skills are shabby, but procrastanation leads to horrible work.

"Keep dancing friends, keep dancing."


  1. I love Dr. Horrible! I need to go watch it again.

    You are lucky that you don't start school until Wednesday. I mean, I love school, but I love Christmas break, too. USE YOUR LAST FEW DAYS WISELY! And avenge me, or something heroic.

  2. I really need to watch Dr. Horrible.

    For a while, I confused Dr. Horrible with Doctor Who. I was very confused, but when I found it out, MANY things became clear. xD

    The theatre geek in me is screaming about Erik breaking the fourth wall by texting you from onstage, but the audiance member in me is highly entertained by his antics.

    *settles on floor to wait, pulls out book and reads to self*

