Wednesday, August 3, 2011


First off, Happy Esther day, everyone.

Sendonly, I've had a very nerdfighter day.
  • I watched a lot of Vlogbrothers 2008 videos
  • I listened to many of Hank's songs
  • I looked back and smiled upon my nerdfighter experiences

Now, to do a questionnaire that I stole from Paige


Color: Purple

Book: Looking For Alaska or Will Grayson Will Grayson

Movie: Dan In Real Life

Harry Potter Book: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Harry Potter Character: Professor Serverus Snape

Website: Youtube, Tumblr, or Chickenonaraft

Animal: FOX

Class: Introduction to Literary Studies (More on this later this month)

TV Show: Doctor Who

Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla

Clothing Store: Target or DFTBA RECORDS

Food: Sauce Picante (cajun)

Pizza Topping: Pepperoni

Musical: RENT

Song Currently Stuck In Your Head: "Phineas Gage" By HANK GREEN

Wrock Song: "When the Lights Go Out" By The Whomping Willows

Thanks for reading!


you do

I mean this



  1. I hate favorite questions! But I'm glad you can answer them. XD

    Introduction to literary studies? O.o Sounds delicious! I definitely want to hear more about that.

    OH MY GOSH, Nick, we will both be starting classes at the same time. We should talk about LEARNING and SCHOOL and stuff. This is something I would greatly enjoy. I miss school.

  2. Introduction to Literary Studies sounds like the greatest class everrrrr.

  3. I was almost going to fill out the same questionnaire today, but then I remembered that I HATE ANSWERING "FAVORITE" QUESTIONS. I love reading your answers, though.

    And Introduction to Literary Studies sounds made of awesome.

  4. savdiskfnsygudilove When The Lights Go Out

    I wrote a LOT of last year's NaNoWriMo with that song as my soundtrack.
