Sunday, February 27, 2011


Heya gang!

I have FOUR Midterms this week :O

Anyway, the blogging shall occur!For you unschoolies, that means 4 HUGE EXAMS!

Big occurences in Nick's life:
_>New TV
This shouldn't be such a big deal, but it is, because of the fact that my old T.V. was 15 years old. So, it's a pretty BIG update!
_>New Haircut
I got a shortish haircut yesterday.
_>My shaving experience on Friday.
I made you this video for funsies:

Guys, I love you all! Sorry it's another short blog, but next week is Mardi GRAS!!
So, I get tiem off of school to go to parades andd such, so that means that I should have free time to write up an interesting post.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your midterms this week! I also have midterms, though I only have two (three technically if you count a short story).
