Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hey, guys. Sad news. I will have to take a leave of absence of the Internet. My life is hectic right now, I'm crazy stressed, and I need to work out a solution. Skype chat, NaNo, etc. will be postponed. Hope to see you guys soon.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Whoah! Is this seriously the first time that I have blogged since BEDA? Well, this mustn't be correct... This has to be Correctified! Well, let's see.... It's only the first paragraph, and I have already:
1. Made up a word
2. referenced BEDA
3. Made a list
These express how happy I am to be back:
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Okay, enough gif spam.

My first 16 days of september have been filled with college, exams, studying, buying/playing the newest Kingdom Hearts game, watching Youtube, and making an epic video for Youtube:

But this is not quite why I have gathered you here. I have gathered you here to tell you a fun story! So, yesterday, i was thinking about this blog on my walk to my night class, whereupon I had to tie my shoe. "I need a funtastic picture," I thought. After tying my shoe, I looked at my leg and noticed the most fantastically square rainbow on my leg! It was so beautiful and full and completely bright! I thought, "Ohh goodness! I need to take a picture!" I tried taking one with my phone, but my camera wouldn't capture it. To put this image in your head. Think of a man in bright yellow shorts, stretching his leg outward on a bike rack, like a ballet dancer on a bar, and i'm contorting my body to take a picture. Then, someone walks up behind me, so I quickly start waking forward. About a minute later, I turn around to see a snickering Abercrombie model smiling and raising his eyebrows. "It's for my blog, "I said. And off into the building I went! :D

Okay, it's the moment you've all been waiting for..............

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GUYS! I'm thinking Next week! Maybe Tuesday night, of Thursday night, or Sunday night! LEt's decide in comments! Timeframe, I imagine Eight o'clock central. or... 9 o'clock Eastern. What do yall think?! Let me know in comments! :D
I will make another post with the FINAL SKYPE PARTY Rules and Details! Think of it as an epic chatroom one night soon!! :D

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I guess.....
This is.....


BEDA is over, but blogging is not!

Why was I so sad today then?
I was sad because I was no longer going to be forced by my own responsible self to write everyday! I was sad because I would not get to share my thoughts with you guys, and get the most positive feedback ever! I was sad because I'm really going to miss reading blog posts everyday! I was sad because I feel like I haven't commented on enough blog posts!

No matter. I never took BEDA for granite (correct spelling?) I felt that this whole experience has been a gift, privilege, etc.

So, as I said, Blogging will not end here. I plan to blog hopefully once a week at least with a nice topic!

Thank you guys for putting up with me! Even through those days where I did less that I should've, but even for the ranting days.

BEDA had a purpose, it made me more comfortable with written expression, and it settled my nerves for college and life. That you all.


Monday, August 30, 2010

BEDA 30 Three Parts!

Today, I had to go to the Post office to pick up my Geology Textbook. When I arrived, there was a group of people waiting outside, so I waited in line with them. About five minutes went by, so I taped the shoulder in front of me and asked, "When do they open?" The lady stared at me and said, "They are open. This line is for us mail carriers pickin' up our truck keys."

Nick: Mailman wannabe apparently.

Good afternoon, Bloggers!
Well, I guess it doesn't have to be afternoon when you read this. In fact, even just due to time zones, it makes the "good afternoon" entirely more complicated to predict it accurately. But, I guess blogs ARE Omnipresent. They are read right now AND in the upcoming months of me reading BEDA posts. On the note of Blogspot's omnipresencity, this site is like a drop box where time is irrelevant. When creating a post, you can chose the exact date and time that the post will be recorded as "officially posted." This means that if I wanted to, I could make this blog post that i am currently typing listed as old as three months ago! Wait. I was wrong. That doesn't make Blogspot's posts entirely irrelative to time, because the Blog is in itself, read at one point in time. It can't be read any possible time, just POSTED any possible time. Does that make sense?

Anyway, how are you? This is the penultimate post of BEDA. Tomorrow will be a reflective day, but as for today, it is one of procrastination. Today was boring and stressful. I need excitement. Hmm... where do I find EXCITEMENT POWDER? I'll be on the hunt. Any suggestions?
I hope you enjoyed this 3-part blog.
It had everything you ever needed!

1. An anecdote.
2. A reflection on Blogspot's/ Blogging's presence in time.
3. Nick's feelings.

Have an excellent night! (or whatever time you read this :0)

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Do you ever have those days where you feel....just really out of it?
Today, I just felt, not necessarily mopey, just.... I don't know.
I think it's a feeling on introspectivity.

Anyway, today I got to thinking....


What the heck, when did this happen!?

You guys don't now ANYTHING about me!

Well, actually, you know a lot about me.

But, I feel as if I need to RAPID FIRE shoot off some answers to you guys before this ends.

Name: Nicholas
Age: 18
Location: Louisiana
School: University of Louisiana @ Lafayette
Major: English Education
Job: Making Youtube Videos?
Current Book: The Hunger Games
Still?: Yes! Shut Up!
Instrument: Ukulele
Single: Yes
Hungry: Yes
Clean: Yes
Sick: No
Bored: Yes
Going to miss BEDA: Yes
Skype Name: Bihmerson
Should everyone add you?: YES!
Will the Skype party be epic: YES!!!
Are you happier now: Yes!
Will you type out a thoughtful blog more often: Yes
Even AFTER August: YES!! :D
I love You!: I Love You too!

Yay Self-love!!!

This was an excellent way of putting my thoughts back into the swing of things. I'm really going to miss doing this everyday. But, if I will Blog at my leisure, then it'll be more thoughtful and planned out!


Add me!

Love yall!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

BEDA 28 Saturdays?!

Sometimes I feel like Apple has like a huge warehouse filled to the brim with products that they’re going to release over the next 20 years. Apple watches, calculators, touchscreen televisions, etc. Ya know the iPad? Yeah, it was probably thought of back when Windows XP came out, and THAT STINKS.

Today’s blog is going to be MINI RANT!

I hate politics. I don’t really see how anyone can argue for or against another point. There is SO MUCH material that I would have to learn for me to form one singular, solid opinion.

When I was younger, I believed that Math was created only to make my entire middle school experience absolute torture.

I am only sometimes intrigued by science. I mean, I like the idea of Biology more than I like mitosis.

I absolutely LOVE all things English. When I was in high school, when my teacher gave us worksheets of dissecting a sentence, I would ask for more, just so I could have fun!

Another thing that I only sometimes like is Sports. I like to watch and play friendly football, but I don’t like actual official teamed sports.

I hate when I listen to music for a straight month, and I get tired of the artist, but then my friends get into the band, and I am forced to listen to them! :D

I like to smile.

I don;t like it when my desktop (computer is cluttered)

I find rants annoying!

That was my quick blog for the day!

Love yall!

Yay Saturdays!

Friday, August 27, 2010


Today had one goal. The goal? To have the best day ever.

I woke up.
I danced.
I played sang some DFTBA music.
I poured myself a bowl of Apple Jacks
I ate my breakfast while watching TWO episodes of Boy meets World.
I went into my room to get dressed/ready for school.
While doing so I watched A Very Potter Sequel for the Millionth time.
I whistled on my way to the bathroom, where I spent time on my dental hygiene.
I grabbed my backpack, and headed off to school, while listening to my Mountain Goats mix CD.
I had a 12:00 class today, and that's a tad little-bit suckish, since on Friday, most classes end at noon. I was happy, however.
I sat in the hallway across from a girl, while I read The Hunger Games.
This girl is very cute, and smiley.
We always see each other, smile, and say "hey."
Since today was my Best Day Ever, I said "Hey" first, and we chatted.
Then, in class (Education Class,) I took notes on exciting Education things!
Also, I got to choose what school I want to observe at this semester! Old High School FTW
After class, I dawned my iPod headphones and walked to my car, drove the backroads home, and ate a good lunch.
I watched some 30 Rock, while reading blog posts, and then I went to Dustin's house.
We went to some shops, I bought Twilight for my mom, and I got myself some Play-Dough.
Then, I ate a Subway sandwich for supper, and went to Baskin Robbins (the place where I worked for two years.)
While in there, I told an old friend hi, got a free 7-UP, and left.
Now, we are at a friend's new apartment on campus, playing old school Nintendo 64 games.
This was a good day.

Sometimes, I feel like if you start off the day with a mindset of "suck" the day will go accordingly. But, if we think in advance and plan our day positively, like with the music listening or submitting myself to watching things I adore, then we are happy. If the controllable things in our life are made positive, then we'll have a better outlook on the uncontrollable. EXAMPLE: If I listen to Alex Day BEFORE class, then a class, where I am in school 50 minutes past 95% of the other students, then the class will be nicer than normal. I plan on taking on my days to come with this uplifting spirit. I just learned something from BEDA. Awesome.

My challenge to you guys, is to take a day in the near future, and make sure you fill it with things that make you happy, in between the uncontrollable things, that way it will be a positive day.

I'll see yall tomorrow!

MAybe some time in September, I'll Blog and we can have a comment thread on good times for everyone?

First Thought of the Day: "This is the BEST. DAY. EVER."

Thursday, August 26, 2010

BEDA Thoughtful Thoughtfulness Thoughts

So, I was cutting the grass this evening, listening to my Looking For Alaska Audiobook (As you do,) and I was stricken with great enthusiasm for NaN&$*#&$

> Are you talking about Nanowrimo again?
>>Um maybe. Who ARE you?
>I'm a troll.
>>So, why-
>STOP TALKING ABOUT NANOWRIMO IN THIS BLOG. THIS IS FOR BEDA, not promoting your Nanowrimo account!
>>Well, I'm not promoting it; I just think about it a lot.
>Rahh! Your blogging days are almost over! You're going to regret this come September!
>>But...But...Bu.... WHAT ABOUT SKYPE?!
>Skype?! Why....... That just might be crazy enough to work!
>>But, we need to somehow coordinate some future day in time, where we can chat with the readers in September.
>Skype appointments are hard though!
>>We can make it work?
>We CAN!

So, College is tiring and crazy still. I'm still in the mental stages of story exposition. Also, I've been generally despondent lately. I love the encouragement you guys give me, though, don't think that I hate that stuff; it's just that I have had bad days recently. So IT'S DECIDED:

I Don't know how I will make it so, but I will write down my events, and the blog post resulting from the great event will be grand!

So, to everyone reading this on Thursday night or even on friday, make SURE to make Friday our GREATEST DAY EVER!
Leave suggestions in comments for SKYPE PARTY AND GREAT DAY IDEAS!!!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So, I'm typing this up while in my 4 hour night eduction class. We currently have a short break. I wanted today's blog to be in rememberance of Esther Earl, who has passed away due to her fight with cancer. On the internet, Esther has been an icon of pure hope and encouragement. So, for today's post, I will leave it at this:

Thank you Esther,

For showing me that Nerdfighteria is there when you need it.
For giving me lasting inspiration to look on the bright side.
For beeing a shining light in a dim situation.

May you rest in piece, and as some are saying, DFTRIA
(Don't Forget to Rest in Awesome)


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

BEDA 24 Blogging at a College, more Prepared.

Right now, I come to you from a Catholic Cafe, where i bought an apple and think of myself as a valued customer who deserves to eat his other preprepared lunch items for the time span of thirty minutes. I've kept my apple's receipt just in case someone wants to kick me out.......

Anyway! I've completed 2/3 of today's classes, and my third class is in an hour, so I've decided to early-blog.
WEATHER Update: It's still hot!
SHOES Update: I've worn tennis shoes! But, they are too small! Alas, they will do.

This morning, I had Geology. Lecture class. Old man teacher, not at ALL like Dr. Hyde (LFA Reference) Behind me sat two DIRECT definitions of a deception. Needless to say, I won't be sitting in front of them anytime soon. After Geology, I had to trek across the entire campus from a third story class to yet another third story class. I find myself thinking that I am less of a student and more of a nomad. Welp, I made it to my class on time for math, (my only college meth class EVER!) Decision Math, this class seems to be easy, and is easily taught by an old woman, Ms. Phyllis.

ARGGG It's hot, have I mentioned that? I plan to rejoice in the winter time! OHH! In other nerd-related fun news, after my next class I'm going SCHOOL SUPPLY SHOPPING! YAY!! I can't wait to totally deck out my supplies in the appropriate Nerdfighter fashion. Speaking of, this is the second day that I wear a DFTBA Records shirt in hopes on spotting a nerdfighter. No such luck. But, I plan on doing this quite often, in order to spot my first IRL happenstance Nerdfighter meeting. I hope this pans out correctly. Hmmm Fifteen more minutes until i leave for class. What to do.... DUH! Read blogposts from you guys! I'm off to do that!

Before I go, I want to DEEPLY thank you guys for the encouraging comments you have left on my last posts. They're really uplifting and helpful, and I remember them whilst walking around. So, from the bottom of my heart, thanks!

TTYL, People-friends!

Monday, August 23, 2010

BEDA 23 1st Day of COLLEGE!

Welp, My day started at 8:30. I gave myself plenty of time to eat a bowl of Apple Jacks, brush my teeth, get dressed in the appropriate outfit. For those of you wondering, a Charlieissocoollike T-shirt and green shorts. I’ve been wearing sandals all summer, so I slipped on some casual dress shoes that I normally wear. )I’m still waiting for my Rhett and Link sneakers to come in the mail.) I headed out the door by 9, giving myself time to drive, park, and find my 10 o’clock class. I got to the building at 9:30. I thought, I’m in the clear, I have half an hour to waste, so I dropped in a cafe and grabbed some water. I was plenty nervous for the class, but I felt as if I had prepared myself fine. Then, I headed for class. I got their plenty early, pulled out my composition book, and pencils. Yes, multiple pencils. I started writing down the pre-class chit-chat with the teacher. Writing meaningless details, I was SO prepared. Then, she started class, gave me a sheet of paper that told me to go to an office, where I found out that I had already recieved the credit for that class. So, then I walked outside, and wandered around aimlessly for two hours. Now, I'm writing to you from the hallway of an air conditioned room. It is extremely hot!!! Also, my shoes have holes in the bottom, so my feet are killing me!!

Class looks like it's going to start soon, so I'll let yall go. Talk to you guise tomorrow!

First Thought of the Day: "Don't Snooze, wake up!!"

Sunday, August 22, 2010

BEDA 22 School?

That's my DFTBADeck'd out Backpack! Tomorrow, I start the newest series in my life, THE COLLEGE YEARS. T'will make a good spinoff methinks. Rightio! Onward with the show!

So, today I've started a series of Doctor Who. The 5th Series. DON'T JUDGE ME! I know it's the latest Doctor and all, but I sorta fell into it, and I want to see it until the end. I really do think it's a fantastic show! (has seen one episode)

So, Tomorrow starts college. That certainly was an interesting interrupting paragraph up there, eh? I only have two classes tomorrow. One from 10-10:50 and another from 12-12:50. I'm both excited and nervous.

So, I've told you that I'm majoring in education, and you guys want to no more. Well, I really want to teach mature high school aged people, ones that could have educated discussions with. I feel like I could be a very engaging teacher and fill their heads with the knowledge they do so crave. I'm really passion about English, so I know that it will be an exciting college experience. I mean, I get to take a class called "Advanced English Grammar!" That class has a prerequisite, "English Grammar!!!!!!" I'm a big nerd when it comes to this stuff.

So, I've started reading The Hunger Games, and by "start," I mean first page. I've tried to pick it up before, but I always get interrupted! >.<

So, tomorrow in my hour and ten minutes of free time, I plan to eat my Ham Sandwich and Blog in the quad. I feel collegey just talking about it! I'm still going to make my college playlist tonight and fill it with happy DFTBA songs. So, I'll be in good company.

Well, (See i didn't start a paragraph with "so!") I'm off to MEGA shower, make a playlist, and sleep. See yall tomorrow.....FROM COLLEGE!



First Though of the Day: "I've snoozed in 9 minute intervals for 2.5 Hours?!??!?!!?"

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I have 8 minutes to write this blog, so I will do so, accordingly!


Dustin is napping next to me, we have to go see a movie. Then we're gonna write lyrics all night.

I'm really bad at planning these blogs.

I guess I'm still really stressed for school.

BTW I'm an education major. Cool, huh?!

I really like it! More like LOVE

Well, last night, I got on the Nerdfighters Ning chat for the first time in a long time, and it was REALLY enjoyable. IDK I guess I just had too many other bad experiecnces in that chat, but last night it ROCKED, and I mean ROCKED.

Alot of DFTBA artists and WROKERS are going on tour in the fall, and I really hope that some of them will come near Louisiana. I'm really concert-deprived.

Also, Will is in this contest for him to win a bunch o' english money and a recording at Abbey Road Studios. There's like 4 different mediums you can vote for him, so I'd really appreciate it if you did. He's in 2nd place, and he has a REAL shot at winning! Here's the link LINK


I'm really slacking on this BEDA thang, but, I am writing everyday, so I guess that's practice for NANOWRIMO.

I really can't wait for it! AND YAY Writing buddies! Also, I've decided to dedicate both a dry erase world and cork board for Character and plot design. Just pure exposition.

Goodness, I have to wake up Dustin and go. HE wanted to sleep until 8, and it's 8:03. What a good friend am I eh?

Okay, friends I must go! TTYL!!

Also, for you NANOWRIMO people: what writing software do you use? Thanks!

Friday, August 20, 2010

BEDA 20 Excited!

"I'm not going see a scary movie with the same rating as Julie and Julia!"

I'm currently in Dustin's room having rapid fire jokes based on the fact that the new Exorcist movie is only rated PG-13. Personally, I hate scary movies. I'm a wuss. There I said it! Why would I pay money to shake and have nightmares?! Explain to me!!

Sorry teeny rant :/

Were discussing plans on a VERY EPIC upcoming video. It was just thought of! Like five minutes ago. We're in the very beginning planning stages! But I believe in this video SOOO MUCH! xD

My day was chill. I start school on Monday. First day of College. Woo! i'm scarred. I need encouragement. I have ALOT of time in between classes. Like an hour. So I might make a really awesome playlist to walk around to. Any suggestions? Leave them in comments!

Guys, BEDA is ALMOST OVER! But, we will live onward through Skype! I'll see you there soon!

See yall tomorrow! Gotta go plan a video!! xD

Thursday, August 19, 2010

BEDA 19 Yay Many Things!

So... Yesterday I was laying Kingdom Hearts 2 in my room, having a right good time, and then...


Of course by "esploded" I mean that it broke normally. In short, it looks like the Northern Lights, and then it shuts off. So, I brought a tiny t.v. into my room, and I think it looks fine. My parents don't think so, however. They want to buy me a new t.v, but I told them that I'd rather get a new backpack and some dry erase boards instead. NERDFIGHTERS!

So, I went to Academy to get a new backpack, (SIDENOTE Lafayette has the largest Academy in the world) and whilst driving, I accidentally cut someone off. Stupid me. I was too engulfed with Tom Milsom's music. Well, I kept driving, and I looked in my rear-view mirror, and I saw that the guy was yelling at me. I kept going. We were then separated by a median and he raced to get next to me. I panicked and turned quickly into a roadhouse parking lot, hoping that it exited out onto a major road. Unfortunately, it was a closed-circuited lot. So, I laid low and watched as he raced around the lot looking for me. While he was far away enough, I booked it to a major road and zig-zaged around the city for 15 minutes, and then went home.

I have never been so scared in my life. But, I'm okay! YAY SURVIVAL! So, I went, instead, with my parents to Academy. I bought an AMAZING backpack, and then at Target I got 2 dry erase boards, 4 cork boards, 8 markers, and an eraser for only $23! Yay sales!! For dinner, my dad and I decided to pick up Popeye's, since through methods of complaining about not getting coleslaw months ago, he received a special voucher. At Popeye's, we paid with a debit card, and the lady gave us the clipboard with the receipt to sign. Now, it is true that this lady had been particularly rude. It is also true that she had been so baffled by the voucher that she had given us our food before asking for the signed receipt back (otherwise known as the only documented record of the sale.) So after she handed us the food (which didn't include the vouchered cole slaw,) my dad drove off. Yay Free Food-justice! Part of me want to go back and pay. :/

Have a great day tomorrow all! Also, I want to Skype with yall sometime! Leave your Skype names in the comments?!

First Thought of the Day: "How?!"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beda 18 Questions Answered

So, I'm running only on four hours of sleep due to yet another Going Away all nighter. So, immediately following this blogpost, I shall go into a sleep-deprived coma! So, forgive my grammar errors and let's learn about yesterday's facts!

1. Yes, our I'm Awesome music video does have Google Adsense enabled and we get money for views/ ad clicks! xD

2. Never ever. only been to florida once!

3. I was always horrible at Mario Kart, but when I played against Luke that one night via skype and twitter, I did beat him for about a whole minute, but he won :D

4. When Dustin, Marianna, and I went to ROFLCOPTOUR, Luke recognized us from the I'm Awesome video, and gave us advice and encouragement. It was amazing.

5. Last April on the Will Grayson, Will Grayson book tour, I got John to ask Marianna to prom for me via video camera, and she said yes! xD

6. I have a BOSS ukulele, which is pictured at the top!

7. I defiantly plan on dying my hair a totally different color next summer. Any suggestions?!?!??!

8. lololol 8th grade swim party truth or dare, I kissed a girl named Kimiko, I always find this fact hilarious, I don't know why. NEver talked or seen or heard from her again.

9. Alas, this is the FALSE FACT (oxymoron) I do NOT have an iPhone. :P

10. once upon a time, in a BlogTV live show when Phil had a telephone number for people to call in, I got through and we talked about LOST, it rocked!

Well, I'm off to jump in my bed and never emerge! night! xD

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

BEDA 17 Versatility

Maggie tagged me in this Versatile Blogger thing! It seems fun, so here it goes! Just like Truth or Fail, pick my false fact out of these ten!

1. One of the videos on our Youtube Channel is monetized.
2. I've never been to Disney World.
3. I've played Luke Conard in Mario Kart and was in 1st place for a bit.
4. Luke Conard told me IRL that he loved our videos and he sees big things for us.
5. John Green asked my date to prom for me.
6. I have a hardcore-looking Ukulele.
7. Next summer I am dying my hair a wacky color.
8. My second kiss was with a japanese girl named Kimiko.
9. I have an iPhone.
10. I once spoke to Sxephil on the telephone.

Pick the False Fact, and tomorrow's post will have me telling the stories of the true facts!!
xD Night!


Monday, August 16, 2010

BEDA 16 Indulge me please.


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Whether you're a fan of a good story, video games, or Disney in general, this post is most defiantly relative to your interests. Over the course of this day, I have been re-engulfed with a past love of mine, a certain video game series, Kingdom Hearts. Now, I don't know your opinion on video games, but I incline you to read this, regardless.
To me, Kingdom Hearts is more than a game, it's a story, more like a novel, an "interactive" novel. It starts off with a boy on an island, Sora, with his two best friends, another boy, Riku, and a girl, Kairi. The game's imagery is strictly Light and Darkness. In the beginning of the game, on their island, darkness starts to consume the world, quite literally, and Sora is the only one able to fight it off. He is the key to the door to the light. The chosen one. He wields a key, to fend off the darkness. So, the island is consumed and his friends are lost. As the game goes on, you visit other worlds saving them from darkness, alongside your cute Disney friends, Donald and Goofy. The worlds you visit, are familiar ones, from Disney movies like, Aladdin, Hercules, etc. But, what's interesting to me, at least, is not that the game is mixing Disney with combat, but that in the game's universe, your job is to protect these inevitably good natured figures from darkness. Since we were kids, we've associated these characters with good, and in this game you defend their existence by upholding that. It's a way of reliving, even PROTECTING your childhood.
What I always remember about the game, isn't the gameplay, weapons, or Disney aspects, but it's the pure narrative the game tells. Kingdom Hearts is a hybrid of Final Fantasy (a very popular video game series) and Disney, but the characters made uniquely for the game and the connections between them are far much more interesting, emotional, and compelling. I've never cried while playing a video game, but this one made me cry on countless occasions. The character's emotions are fueled by love and hearts, but not in superficial ways like we are so used to, but pure love and connectivity. It's beautiful. I feel this way about all of the games in the Kingdom Hearts series (4, approaching 5)

(Ending of Kingdom Hearts Spoiler Skip this paragraph if you don't want to be spoiled)

At the ending of Kingdom Hearts, Sora rescues Kairi, and she goes back to the island, until Sora finds Riku, and finds a way to return. I always find myself thinking about Kairi in the course of Kingdom Hearts 2, going back to normal life, while she wonders where her friends are, if they're alive, and if they're even winning.

This is what gets me excited about NANOWRIMO. My story will be about a trio of friends, Two boys, one girl. It will be about them all planning to leave their town, and only two of them leave. The main guy will stay in the town, and struggle. Now that I have extremely basic plot, I need to start thinking about setting, character names, and further plot details.

That is why I love Kingdom Hearts, thank you for reading. Tell me what you think in comments.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

BEDA 15 (Nick "gives back?"

Hey! Today I learned a lot! I learned the meaning behind "Georgia" by Alex Day.
This video:


You're not here to listen to me talk about my forever-growing knowledge. You're here to see YOUR name in MY blog! Yes, It's time for Nick's belated answering of blog comment questions.

Here we go, ordered by User:

Yes, watching Eclipse for the jokes is a jokes idea.
THe idea of writing a letter to our future selves is great!
And what can't Red Vines do!?
Thanks for attending the picnic!
Thanks for being happy for me beating a video game!
Nerdfighting IS wonderful
Functioning on 5 hours of sleep IS magical

No prob on making you do BEDA :P
I'm glad S. Meyer made you a nerdfighter.
Alice IS uber cute :D
Thanks for attending the picnic!
Thanks for the support of the future-letter!
Thanks for being concerned for the Ben-goodbye!
thanks for liking the Short Story song!
NaNoWrImO account: Bihmerson
YOU DID see us in the Fiveawesomegirls video! xD
You should See Scott Pilgrim at the Drive-in! Hopefully
AppleJacks FTW

Big feet are nice!
Thanks for not wanting me to blenderize a Happy Meal!
Keep on Keepin' on!
Coming up with your own words is fun!
Thanks for attending the picnic!
Your Pick Nik suggestions rock!
Better stuff for stuffy stuff ahem
The Temprepedic story will come soon!
Thanks for liking my short story!
The dentist Pick nick made me lol
I didn't find the Party Cat pic through Haley :P
glad you liked the 5 songs idea!
Thanks for liking hte video!
Thanks for liking my outfit!
I have just a few ideas for NANOWRIMO
Thanks for liking Fur Vs Sparkles

Thanks for loving my picture!
Land Mammals FTW, indeed!

I'm really happy you too make up words!
Glad you love Fur vs Sparkles!
Thank you for your dislike of Eclipse as well!
Also, those foot measuring devices ARE tricky!
Thanks for NANOWRIMO encouragement

thanks for the macaroni!
You're not evil for the Happy Meal suggestion.

I miss your blogs!
Thanks for being a god commentor-friend! xD
And yes, I'm from the "I'm Awesome" video!
Thank you for your denim opinion, the David Slate correction, and the approval of the Jacob-turnaround scene!
Congrats at working at a movie theatre!
College is GREAT I ASSUME!

Thanks for Blog-encouragement!
Foot things at the store ARE confusing!

Twilight making fun of IS funsies!

Glad I didn't cause you an illness!

I AM going to Ul for College!

Most importantly thanks for reading this! I love all of you! Your comments don't go un noticed!

Pick Nick tomorrow MAY not happen, we'll see!

First Thought of the Day:
Does Zefron sleep?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

BEDA 15 Updatish?


I miss blogging. Weekend blogging seems very troublesome for me! For instance it's 11:30 p.m. But I had a busy day!! Dustin and I filmed an epic video that has been in the works for 2 weeks now! I'm backed up on reading my fellow blogger's blogs. Also, I've noticed that yall keep asking questions in the comments! I READ AND LOVE ALL OF THOSE!! Next blog, I shall answer ALL questions and respond to your comments in my post! A personalized blog! xD Also, I think that I'll give myself a Pick Nick monday. Sorry :/ But, BOY is it interesting! I plan on taking a LONG drive to another city and blogging from there. I haven't decided where yet, however. Fun planning ahead! A day of travel and fun! I need a relaxing day like this! Actually, I might have to reschedule that Pick Nick, but that doesn't matter right? Anyway, I'm close to being about halfway done with BEDA, so I have NO PLANS on quitting! Sorry, for the updatish-blog, but I'm tired, yo!

When the video's up it will be here for you:

Until then, Byez!

First Thought Of The Day: I NEEEEEEED Apple Jacks!

Friday, August 13, 2010

BEDA Thirteen Double Post ALL THE WAY

SUP, llamas?!

I'm running on 5 hours of sleep! Holla! Well, I'm not really "running" I'm typing, but you know that obviously. =P Yesterday's blog was a fluke (fun word!) And I'm sorry for that. We went drink coffee, then saw the midnight premiere of Scott Pilgram, then stayed up until 7 a.m. hanging out with friends.
So, Scott Pilgram v.s. the World was basically the best movie experience of my life! It's a movie for nerds, and all of my friends are HUGE nerds! The 30 minutes before a movie that you anticipate, like John Green says, are the funnest, because everyone just keeps talking about how excited they are!
Okay, so there's this internet clip that came out a couple of weeks ago, that Sxephil featured, but it's been taken off since then. But, the gist of it is, that it's a trailer of a movie that actually looks pretty good, but then M. Night Shyamalan's name appears as the director, and EVERYONE in the theatre starts groaning. It's lol-riffic. So, last night, the same trailer came up
and when M. Night's name came up, EVERYONE GROANED. And then we all laughed and high-fived each other. I'm not saying that it was like just my row, but the ENTIRE THETRE. We didn't even have to say anything, and we celebrated in our nerdom! The experience, didn't even make me regret watching it, craning my neck in the third row. IT was an amazing movie, and I can't wait to see it again in 3D.

Okay, so that's my blog for today, but here's what I SHOULD have posted yesterday:

My PICK NICK I've chosen is to list my top 5 favorite songs and say why. Suggested by Whimsy

Ummm ranking music is uncomfortable for me, I guess I feel like the music I rank last out of 5 (which is still pretty good in my opinion) will come hurt me or something, but I think I will just list in a bulleted fashion, 5 songs I REALLY REALLY LIKE =D

* "Love Love Love" by The Mountain Goats
Filled with references about love from the not-so obvious perspective. It shows how our depiction of love is different that all depictions of love, perspectives of other people.

*"It All Makes Sense at the End" by Hank Green
It such a cute and mathematically accurate song about how life is made up mostly of things that we are oblivious to, but it's the people that we are with, that we remember make us care about life.

*"Stay Up Stay Lifted" by SeesoDPG35000
I found this on Hank's Twitter one day, and it really captivated me. I can't say why, it's just this rap about caring for each other and keeping calm and self respect. It's a super uplifting song.

*"Shortwave Part 2" by both Alan Lastufka and Luke Conard
This sing is incredibly passionate and just insanely uplifting song about expression. It's sung beautifully and in a way that you belt it everytime you hear it, and the lyrics are very much heartfelt.

*"Why the Sun Really Does Shine" by Charlie McDonnell
This was released on the DFTBA Lullaby Cd and it's a cover of a They Might Be Giants song, but I love the way it's sung and how passionately nerdy it is. Great song. The End

Well, there are my 5 songs I REALLY LIKE, but I LOVE a ton more!
See you tomorrow!

First thought of the day: "No School! jk"

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Today's blog may be rushed.
I'm in a coffee shop


But, seriously I cant type much today.

But I will post a bunch o' pictures!

I will blog a DOUBLE POST tomorrow!

Double Post... all the way.



Here are the pics:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I am a nerd. Deal with it.
Well, don’t “deal with it.” That was aggressive of me. Also, I probably knocked off a few of you goats with that offensive chit-chat. (SIDENOTE- I accidentally typed “knocked up” and that made me giggle, then gasp.)

Anywhozzile, in today’s blog, I plan to tell you about my nerdom.

Ever since I came out of the womb, I had a Gameboy in one hand and a book in the other. Not true, but moving on.... I’ve always been identified as “The Nerdy Boy.” That had always been fine with me. Going into middle school, I tried to rid this lifestyle for the kids I was hanging out with, but it didn’t really work. I still cam home to my Dragon Ball Z action figures and Super Nintendo. Then, in High School I found a new society of nerds.

Sophomore year- Late 2008- I was just emerging into the field of watching Youtube, and one night I stubbled across the Vlogbrothers channel. I don’t remember who or what video, but I remember that the Channel Background featured Paper Towns and that stood out to me. So, the next night I went to Barnes and Noble to buy the book, and I fell in LOVE with it. Whilst reading, I vaguely remembered that the author’s name was in a video I’ve seen recently (psssstttt it’s John Green.) This led me back to Vlogbrothers, which led me to watching Brotherhood 2.0 in order, reading “” in computer class, and soon reading all of John;s books. My year had totally turned upside down with nerdiness. I was attracted to it, because of the friendliness, passionate nerdiness, and general good nature. I loved it! This soon began to change my entire lifestyle! I was introduced to the DFTBA Artists when the record company was started, and my music collection was generally thrown out and replaced with these awesome people. Seriously, now my car’s CD’s are FILLED with DFTBA artists, and it’s awesomely epic! I went to my first WROCK (wizard rock) concert this summer on ROFLCOPTOUR, my first book signing with John Green last April, and now I am most defiantly NOT ashamed to say that I am a nerd and that is who I am.

To spark this blog, today I reflected on my nerdiness amongst other things. Mostly, as a way to escape the sadness of saying goodbye to my friend Ben this morning at 5 A.M. Tomorrow, I have my famous Dentist Appointment as cited in my first blog post! Know what that means? Blog from the Dentist’s office! PICK NICK is tomorrow, so leave suggestions in comments. And I’ll see yall tomorrow! :D

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BEDA: Tin Sadness but.... A SHORT STORY

Hey guys. Sorry, but it's been a bittersweet lat few days. From the all-nighter to last night's goodbye dinner to today's mall adventure and all the way to tomorrow's 4:30 A.M. sendoff. It's going to be a tear-filled day. But, tomorrow, I plan on starting my day that early! In order to not waste my day with sleep. But I really have a short list of things to do. So, if you have any sort of productive suggestions please leave them in comments. Today, I'm just really, really, sad. Sorry for the suckness. But, I can't blog good if I don't feel too good.

The thing is, I hang out with this guy a lot, but with a group of 8. He's the only one leaving, and it's saddest since we always meet at his house and stuff. So, mix 8 guys, one girl, and a dear friend leaving, you get tears. Tomorrow morning will suck, but that's why I'm gonna throw myself into something productive.

To fill um space here is writing sample that I did a few years ago. To tease you for NANOWRIMO (Yes, I've decided to do it!) And by tease, I don;t mean plot-teasing, but style-teasing! (THe nerdiest)

See you tomorrow! Remember Productive ideas in comments please!

The Wizard of Us: the Boyish Tale of Youth and Adventure

In the murky and unventilated gymnasium of a certain southern high school, Derek Spider was hopelessly lost in a sea of unknown faces.

"Run around the room!" cried coach Morgue.

He wasn't a very organized man. Physical activity after physical activity was all he required of his students.

"Hurry up Derek!" chanted Higgins and Tobes, the unruly boys of sixth period P.E.

Derek just shrugged off the comment, still keeping his pace. His mind began to wander, as it often did, and he speculated the outcome of the year ahead. This class would be just as the previous year's gym periods have been, friendless. Approaching him on his left was the one person, who little did he know, would change his life forever.

"This is…. fun," said Bick in his sarcastic tone. "Weren't you at the movies Friday night? I believe that I saw you. At least I think that I did. No, wait, I definitely did. I'm Bick! Who are you?"

Derek had gone to the movies the previous Friday evening, but he didn't seem to recall this talkative, unusual gentleman. He just seemed it would be best to ignore him by running at a faster pace than him. As Derek tried this new strategy a loud vibrant wave struck him and the rest of the gym's population down to the ground. The walls and ceiling began to crack and crumble; no one wanted to get on their feet, out of fear. Suddenly, the top left corner of the gymnasium's ceiling flew away, revealing two peculiar things. The first was a mysterious older gentleman standing in a suit atop of a small cloud, while resting his cane on the base of the cloud. The second odd occurrence, behind this elderly intruder, was a tornado seeming to be surrounding the entire school. Immediately after entering the once humid but now chilly gym, the old man stretched his right arm outward towards Derek and Bick.

"Go!" the aged man shouted, and he pointed his cane to the northeastern sky.

A large flash of blinding-white light occurred and the two classmates were out of the gym and in the tornado. The two were spinning around so quickly; they had no sense of direction or location. After one minute of this twirling, the tornado came to a slow stop. Derek fell hard on a green pasture aside Bick (who was vomiting his breakfast of pop tarts and orange juice into a nearby rose bush). Derek slowly raised to his feet and took in the marvelous scenery. To the left of the green pasture was a yellow-bricked path which lead up to a small community. Approaching from this community, were approximately thirty gnome- sized individuals staring at the observant Derek and the sickly Bick. Sounds of patchy dialogue were picked up by Derek's acute ears, but the words and phrases made no sense.

"Look…pasture… I… as… tying…. shoes…. by…creek…" said a tiny, high frequency voice.

After moments of gazing, Derek, approaching out of his slumber of shyness, asked, "Where are we?"

The creatures were startled by the sound of his voice; as were the two startled by their tiny features. The crowd of undersized folk inhaled a deep breathe and burst into exuberant song and dance whose lyrics are as followed:

Welcome to our land;

We hope you enjoy the band.

This is the place where Dorothy came,

Hopefully your fate shall be the same.

We'll send you on the path we sent her to.

It's right there, to your side, right next to you!

It's yellow, and bright.

Follow to your heart's delight.

At the end of the road, is where our wizard stays.

Don't wander off his path, if you respect any word we say.

Farewell, and happy travels, great friends.

Unless, we meet again.

Derek and Bick were suddenly following the yellow-bricked pathway without any recollection of walking or exiting the village. The lyrics and tune of the song seemed to have mesmerized the classmates into bewilderment.

"O.K, well WHAT THE H-E- double hockey sticks is going on?" yelled Bick.

"I think that we're in Oz.," slurred Derek.

"Oz doesn't exist though! Well, I guess it does, I mean, apparently it must. But still, it's pretty unbelievable."

"Tell me about it. What's that up ahead?"

In the far-off distance, at the end of the road was a large, decrepid castle overlooking the land. Derek's eyes began to trace the pathway from the castle all the way back to his location, but he noticed something that the song neglected to mention.

"What do you mean a fork in the road? Those musical midgets never said anything about a fork in the road. The song wasn't about the diverting yellow- bricked road!"

"I think they prefer the term, 'little people'"

"Still, what are two travelers to do?"

Out of the corner of Bick's eye was a large shadow covering the area. Before their very eyes, was a gigantic lion, carrying a slick-metal man, and a timid straw man. The Tin man jumped off of the mammal's back before he had time to set his paw on the road. This tin man had tin accessories. On his torso, was a tin-black jacket; over his eyes were tin- tinted- shades, and in his mouth was a tobacco cigarette. After the lion's landing, the hay-man slowly depatruered. This man was shivering with fear. His tattered clothes held little hay at all. His face appeared that he had either been beaten senseless, or attacked by crows, the very creature he was destined to scare. The lion was just an enormous lion who, for some unexplained reason could fly. Unexpectedly, the scarecrow broke out into a series of abrupt coughs. It seems that the tin man was blowing his tobacco smoke directly into the scarecrow's direction.

"Ummmm, could you maybe put out your cigarette please?" started the hay-covered man.

"Ummmm, could you maybe avoid my smoke please?" teased the tin- greaser.

"But, second hand smoke does account for…"

"Alright! Here, happy now?" rebutted the tin man as he inhaled his smoke stick one last time and flicked it upon the scarecrow's head. Instantly, the man was set to flames, but he did not scream. It seems that this is a common issue, because the lion just blew out the fire instantaneously.

"Why must you always…"

"Because I can."

It seems that the trio of fictionalities has many unresolved issues to attend to.

Bick, finally sensing an opening in dialogue, startled the three by asking, "Which road at the fork ahead takes one to the wizard?"

The lion gazed at the young man and began his list of options, "The left pathway takes you straight to the wizard, but the wicked witch usually flies around that area with her large winged apes. The right pathway takes you through a series of exciting( but equally as time-consuming as the other path) events. If you'd like to, I could carry you two on my back to the path of your choosing, but I mustn't take you directly to the wizard, for I fear upsetting the natural order. So, what is your choice?"

"Without any sort of conversation with Derek, Bick said, "The left prong please."

"As you wish."

At once, the two material men each grabbed a student and climbed atop the lion's back. Into the air, they went, approaching the forked road, and the lion steered down the left prong and slowly, began to descend to the ground. Once they stopped, the duo set off after waving timidly at the three problem-solvers as they flew of into the distant sunset. These two traveled down the roadway without speaking one word to each other. Bick noticed that all he was doing lately was complaing and taking charge. He contemplated making amends with Derek and befriending him. But before he could utter a syllable, a horrific laugh was heard up ahead. The foreshadowed wicked witch (accompanied by giant apes with awkwardly tiny wings attached) was coming toward the two awfully fast. The two peers quickly turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

Apes grabbed them each and suddenly Derek unleashed, "ARGH! Why? All I wanted was an uninterrupted school day. I didn’t really mind coming here, but now I am being attacked by the effects of you, Bick! I quit! I don't want this anymore. Old man! If you can hear me, I quit! Come and get me please!"

At once, a vortex appeared which startled and loosened the ape's fierce grip. The two dropped to the ground as the herd of flying monkeys flew off. Out of the Vortex came the same old gentleman as before. The witch (who has been in the background this entire time) snickered at the sight of this aged man.

She then stated, "These two trespassers are associated with you? Well, I think I'll take one of them. You can have the winey one; he's too much of a drama queen. I think this one can be a nice ape-bather at my work camps."

"I knew I should have never unmelted that puddle in your tower. Very well, take Bick, he's all yours."

Then the man grabbed Derek and walked through the vortex, as Bick was being mounted on the back of the witch's broom. The two made very emotional eye contact before they were shortly out of the other's sight.

"If you don't mind, I got some errands I need to take care of before I bring you home." said the old man.

The two were in a tunnel of flashing colors. Behind them was a black vortex and ahead of them was another vortex, but in the middle stood a chair that Derek was placed into while the man went through an exiting vortex, the identity of which vortex he walked through is irrelevant to the story plot. As Derek sat bored, he noticed a telescreen with Bick in a tower as the feature presentation. Derek sat up in his chair as he watched Bick stare out of a window in a tower. For half an hour that was all he saw on the screen. Oh how he wished to apologize to Bick! But before he could think of that idea any further, Bick threw himself out of the window of the tower. Derek's heart instantly sank. But he was relieved when he noticed Bick rising above the window on the back of a certain flying lion. The screen changed to a different view as Derek's eyes followed Bick's escape.

At once, the old man appeared in the hallway to ask, "Shall we meet him?"

Derek agreed, and the two stepped through the vortex and appeared floating toward the lion on the small cloud. The two transportation devices/creatures landed safely on the ground in front of the castle. Bick and Derek ran to each other and apologized respectively.

After the apologies, the old man and the trio of rescuers flew off into the sky, leaving Bick and Derek wandering to the castle. They walked through the threshold of the castle doors and up the many sets of stairs, while reciting their separate journeys to each other. Then, they reached one troublesome question.

"What will we ask the wizard for?"

This question stumped the friends because they most certainly didn't want to go back to school, but they didn't want to stay in Oz forever either. Then, they knew what they wanted, just as they reached the last door. They walked through into a hall of emeralds decorating the walls. On the floor was a pathway of a red velvet rug leading up to a throne of some sort. This chair was like no other; it was made entirely of cloud. However, it was empty, but when they noticed the cloud they knew who the wizard must've been.

"The old man!"


Behind them, was the wizard; he was the leader of their quest to adventure, and he was the puppet master of Oz. Bick looked into Derek's eyes, and he asked, "Should we ask?"


In unison, they questioned, "Can you give us a quest, so that we can continue our adventures?"

"That I can't do. Because, you see, you've had that ability…"

"All along?" said Bick

"How'd you know what I was going to say?"

"Please, we did watch the movie, The Wizard of OZ. And we know a cheesy, moral ending when we hear one."

"Anyway, if you just rely on me always, I shall appear to give you a quest whenever you are in need."

The old man opened the vortex and shoved the new friends into the hallway, where they crossed the opposite vortex, knowing that their lives would never be boring again. But, they would always include clichéd conclusions.