Thursday, August 26, 2010

BEDA Thoughtful Thoughtfulness Thoughts

So, I was cutting the grass this evening, listening to my Looking For Alaska Audiobook (As you do,) and I was stricken with great enthusiasm for NaN&$*#&$

> Are you talking about Nanowrimo again?
>>Um maybe. Who ARE you?
>I'm a troll.
>>So, why-
>STOP TALKING ABOUT NANOWRIMO IN THIS BLOG. THIS IS FOR BEDA, not promoting your Nanowrimo account!
>>Well, I'm not promoting it; I just think about it a lot.
>Rahh! Your blogging days are almost over! You're going to regret this come September!
>>But...But...Bu.... WHAT ABOUT SKYPE?!
>Skype?! Why....... That just might be crazy enough to work!
>>But, we need to somehow coordinate some future day in time, where we can chat with the readers in September.
>Skype appointments are hard though!
>>We can make it work?
>We CAN!

So, College is tiring and crazy still. I'm still in the mental stages of story exposition. Also, I've been generally despondent lately. I love the encouragement you guys give me, though, don't think that I hate that stuff; it's just that I have had bad days recently. So IT'S DECIDED:

I Don't know how I will make it so, but I will write down my events, and the blog post resulting from the great event will be grand!

So, to everyone reading this on Thursday night or even on friday, make SURE to make Friday our GREATEST DAY EVER!
Leave suggestions in comments for SKYPE PARTY AND GREAT DAY IDEAS!!!



  1. I get to sleep in tomorrow! Which is a wonderous way to start the Best Day Ever!

    As for a skype chat. I am laughably skype-illiterite. I know how to type-chat fine, and I figured out how to screen share once. But I don't have a webcam... sooooo. I could be there in text form! Like a ghost!

    A weekend or Friday would be best para mi.

  2. I have Skype, but I never use it. However, I might consider using it for an epic party-time. I'm not sure if tonight works - I'm reporting on a football game from my school's news show. But I will join if I can! (Or maybe we should do another one in the future...?)

  3. I made a fateful discovery yesterday: There is no way to have a group chat with webcams. You can group chat with voice calling and/or typing, but no visuals. Maybe there is a way to make it work? Maybe I, too, am skype-illiterate?

    Anyways, I'm sure we'll have an awesome party regardless. Sunday night is no good for me since I will be moving back to college and surrounded by suitemates and parents. Tonight would be best, but Saturday wouldn't be horrible.

  4. I'M LATE. Oops. Involve confetti. Also glitter. Happy dancing a must.

  5. Saturday night doesn't really work for me, but any other night does. And I'm thinking that someone should be required to do a(n?) RPATZZZ impression.
