Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I am a nerd. Deal with it.
Well, don’t “deal with it.” That was aggressive of me. Also, I probably knocked off a few of you goats with that offensive chit-chat. (SIDENOTE- I accidentally typed “knocked up” and that made me giggle, then gasp.)

Anywhozzile, in today’s blog, I plan to tell you about my nerdom.

Ever since I came out of the womb, I had a Gameboy in one hand and a book in the other. Not true, but moving on.... I’ve always been identified as “The Nerdy Boy.” That had always been fine with me. Going into middle school, I tried to rid this lifestyle for the kids I was hanging out with, but it didn’t really work. I still cam home to my Dragon Ball Z action figures and Super Nintendo. Then, in High School I found a new society of nerds.

Sophomore year- Late 2008- I was just emerging into the field of watching Youtube, and one night I stubbled across the Vlogbrothers channel. I don’t remember who or what video, but I remember that the Channel Background featured Paper Towns and that stood out to me. So, the next night I went to Barnes and Noble to buy the book, and I fell in LOVE with it. Whilst reading, I vaguely remembered that the author’s name was in a video I’ve seen recently (psssstttt it’s John Green.) This led me back to Vlogbrothers, which led me to watching Brotherhood 2.0 in order, reading “” in computer class, and soon reading all of John;s books. My year had totally turned upside down with nerdiness. I was attracted to it, because of the friendliness, passionate nerdiness, and general good nature. I loved it! This soon began to change my entire lifestyle! I was introduced to the DFTBA Artists when the record company was started, and my music collection was generally thrown out and replaced with these awesome people. Seriously, now my car’s CD’s are FILLED with DFTBA artists, and it’s awesomely epic! I went to my first WROCK (wizard rock) concert this summer on ROFLCOPTOUR, my first book signing with John Green last April, and now I am most defiantly NOT ashamed to say that I am a nerd and that is who I am.

To spark this blog, today I reflected on my nerdiness amongst other things. Mostly, as a way to escape the sadness of saying goodbye to my friend Ben this morning at 5 A.M. Tomorrow, I have my famous Dentist Appointment as cited in my first blog post! Know what that means? Blog from the Dentist’s office! PICK NICK is tomorrow, so leave suggestions in comments. And I’ll see yall tomorrow! :D


  1. Ah, sophomore year. 'Twas the time that I, too, found my inner nerd. I mean, I've always been a nerd. But sophomore year was when I used Nerdfighteria and vlogbrothers and YouTube and Harry Potter (of course) to become the best nerd I possibly could be.

    For Pick Nick, "accidentally" bite your dentist, and blog about his or her reaction. Or start laughing while they are working on your chompers. Basically, see how silly you can be without causing too much harm. =)

    Not a very good Pick Nick, I'm afraid, but that was all I could come up with.

  2. So, I'm not sure if you know this, but I am PRETTY sure that I saw you and Dustin in a clip or two from ROFLCOPTOUR in one of the fiveawesomegirls's videos.

    That was your first wrock show? I love wrock, and have seen at least 6 concerts. What band did you like best?

    For Pick Nick, I vote that you should share your top five favorite songs with us and tell us why you love them.

    Luck at the dentist's!

    ~Whimsy (who really, really hates dental work)
