Wednesday, August 4, 2010

BEDA IV: Smoothie (REPOST)

SUPER SPECIAL THANK YOU FOR ALWAYSKATHERINE's awesome blog-restoring skillz!!

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Hey all! Today, I woke up at ten-thirty. I told you I'd wake up at 8. Yeah...... TRANSITION!

When I woke up, I headed over to Dustin's house to record some beats for a video that we are doing this weekend. (BTW I make Youtube videos.) I went home after, to do the horrible task. WHY ON EARTH did I decide to ask you guys to challenge me?!?!? I honestly don't know what I was thinking. But, I've decided that "Pick Nick" will stick. (Rhyming's fun) I shall complete a challenge from you guys every day of BEDA that is a multiple of 4. NERDS FTW

Well, I am severely shaken whilst typing this. It was certainly a feeling like no other.
@DuffelofDoom suggested that I'd Blenderize a Happy Meal. I didn't mind this at the time, but I have no money. So I was happy when @Rena suggested that I'd blenderize my lunch of choice. I agreed!
Now, I could have "chosen" to eat a PB & J or a bowl of cereal and wimp out. No, sir! I chose a plate lunch of hot meat loaf, corn, mashed potatoes, and Strawberry Fanta. YUM! From the pictures above, you can see how it looked throughout the process, but looks are half the battle.

Have you ever burped with your mouth closed that tasted like throw up, but wasn't? Really? How was it? Bad? Why, I would think so? Have you ever blenderized meat loaf, corn, mashed potatoes, and Strawberry Fanta? No? Well, would you believe that my experience tasted like a glass full of that vomity-taste in your mouth? Well it did!

Incase you are hateful of hearing the word "vomit"
or its various synonyms, I shall replace the word
with the activity of golfing.

So, this glass was FULL, and it smelled like meatloaf. But IT WAS WARM. >_<
Needless to say, it was disgusting. But anyway, it tasted horrible, but also oh, so, spicy. (Pepper from the potatoes) and with a hint of Strawberry. About one gulp through, I decided to go golfing. Which is odd, since I hate teeing off. It always feels like, whether I want to or not, I have to tee off instantly. But, once I'm swinging away, I really can never get myself to stop. But, even when I stop putting, I feel the need to grab my putter again! WEIRD!

I ended up golfing three holes today! I just couldn't go anymore! But, I returned after every trip until I finished the glass! Now don't worry, it wasn't like I was torturing myself. I know when enough's enough, but, Hole #3, she called to me... (even if it was hours later.)

Well, that was a fun day, but I honestly can't wait until the 8th when you challenge me again!

Tonight, I'm going with friends to sticky note someone's car. It's gonna be megasupercrazyawesomespectacularfantastastic fun. I plan on taking pictures and blogging tomorrow ( and every other day of August for that matter.)
As always, Comments are accepted and loved by me! Until tomorrow!

First thought of the day: "Why do birds beak?"