Guys, I love the internet.
Last night,Dustin and I were beyond bored, as we often are, and we were had no idea what we would want to do for the night.
We asked Twitter.
Our followers suggested a variety of things, one of them being a Blog TV show.
We Listened.
Fun was had.
Callers called in.
Questions Answered.
Sleep Deprived.
Long story short, it gave me a positive perspective on the day I was only making worse by staying up so late. Today, I had to do a ton of homework, not only for this week, but next week as well, since next weekend, I'm going to a camp in Mississippi to help out with some technology stuff. By the way, I'm an English Education Major, and I'm currently taking 3-4 English classes. (4 being Newswriting) And for English courses in college, often times you have to read the daily assignment in order to discuss it in class. Now having all of my English classes on one day, that makes me read ALL THE BOOKS. This is fun, though, since I'm an English nerd, and I enjoy it immensely, but the problem is that it's hard for me to focus 100 % on all the long readings for all of my classes. So, I spread it out over two days. Again, long story short, I just got off of a 60hour homework/ Exam and Essay preparedness binge, and I'm really excited for tomorrow's lack of work.
TIP: To avoid procrastinating while home-working or studying, don't go on Tumblr.
BUT, not going on Tumblr during a 6 hour Homework-A-Thon leaves you with a whole lot of tumbling ("a whole lot" varying with your number of followers.) One of the tumblr posts I saw was THIS THING
I got really excited when I listened to this, and say the accompanying .gif, but I couldn't for the LIFE OF ME, remember what movie I remember this from. I've since, figured it out, but I leave it to you, to figure it out and to add it to your comment below. If you do, you'll win the SOON-TO-BE-EXISTANT-PRIZE-OF-THE-WEEK. Which, will be sent to you at an undetermined time in the near future. Talk about incentive, huh?!
Well, I repurchased Sims 3 yesterday, so I'm off to some well deserved life-guiding.
I hope all is well!
P.S. (Comment- ResponceISH)
Everyone at the BlogTV show, I love you! xD
Welcome back to the internet, PAige. (Don't you EVER leave without telling me, or Whimsy)
Celine, I owe you a letter
Caroline: OUR Vidcon will be TONS better!
Whimsy: I still need to get past Episode one of TW >_>
Maggie: Congrats on Shiny-Phone