Saturday, January 22, 2011

Week 4: Many new things!

Welcome to Saturday!!
Also, all week, you see......

This is the first time ever that I have a cell phone with internet on it, and I'm going crazy with twitter and facebook and the like. This week has been pretty crazyyy.
Schedule tiem!

Monday: School Work Day--> I read ALL THE BOOKS.
I had a bunch of reading assignments for class.
Tuesday: Dinner?--> I went to dinner with a nice friend.
And after, we failed to find Purple Converse :(
Wednesday: iPhone--> 10 A.M.
Woke up, got a new phone, went to one class.
Thursday: SCHOOL--> 8:30-8:00
Thursdays are my DEATHDAYS in which I have class FOREVER (but I like it)
Friday: REST--> I rested.
And I stayed up until 3:30 A.M. with Dustin, watching Community.
Saturday: ORGANIZE--> and TENNANT
In an hour, my friend and I will get sushi and watch David Tennant in Hamlet!!

Okay, so. This week, I'm not going to be able to fulfill my promise on posting about my top_ Fiction Characters, but I will eventually.*
Before this post ends, I'm going to tell you about how Nick gets CHEAP sushi.

About a year ago, I had sushi bindges, in which I tried ALL THE SUSHI from town. Once day, I wandered into a Chinese Buffet, grabbed a To-Go box, and I picked out various rolls. I headed to the register, wondering how much money I was about to spend. Well, the way this place charges for take out is by weighing the box, all the while keeping it closed. o_o Guys, sushi is lightweight. I barely paid $2 for the rolls, and when I would return I would come to pay $3.85 for like 20 rolls. So, tonight, in preperation for my Tennant-watching, I shall go up to that buffet LIKE. A. BOSS.

Well, that's it for today, I hope this blog has been entertaining for everyone!
See yall soon!

(I read and hug every comment)

*If you are saddened by my not posting my character list, here you go: CLICK HERE


    Have fun watching David, I haven't seen Hamlet yet but I heard it's excellent.

  2. I want to see that, but I'm too cheap to buy the dvd and too lazy to get it for mail netflix.

    Also, who is the guy in the first .gif?

  3. Ahh We're reading Hamlet in English class and watching certain scenes of the Mel Gibson version. I WANT TENNANT. I told my teacher that David Tennant played Hamlet, but I didn't know there was a DVD. Will get.

  4. Nick! I just got a shiny new phone, too! And internet for the first time! So BASICALLY I know exactly what you are experiencing right now.

    Also, I found purple converse. But they are of the suede variety, and they are technically PLUM colored. But I like them muchly. I don't know how you can use this information.
