Monday, August 2, 2010


Hello! I come to you tonight, typing on my bed. Ahead of me, my T.V. is playing The Perfect Score. This is a 2004 film with both Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson. It's about high schoolers trying to steal the answers to the SAT. Albeit, pretty lame, but it was $2. TWO FREAKING DOLLARS. Sorry, I like deals.
Today was a very chill day. I woke up, went with my friend, Dustin to shop for shoes. I can't say that this was my primary objective for the trip to the shoe store. See, I'm about to buy the new Rhett & Link shoe off of the internet, and I had to measure my foot. When I got there I realized two things. 1. It is extremely complicated to measure your own foot. There's this one piece of metal, roughly foot-shaped, and it's filled with words and numbers and flaps and sliders and greek symbols and run-on sentences. ITS CRAZy. and 2. My foot length number is about 3-4 numbers lower than my actual shoe size. So maybe width has something to do with it. Or maybe I had to ask the wizard to help me. Long story short...I did not find my shoe size.
The rest of the day was spent with me playing an old Playstation game. The game is in the Kingdom Hearts series (Disney meets Final Fantasy...literally.) I t's an in-between game that I've already played, so I don't really care enough to listen to the lesser important dialogue, so I listened to a John Green Audiobook instead. :) He is perhaps my favorite author, and it makes my hours of playing video games semi-productive by "reading" right? RIGHT! thank you upper-case nick. NO! THANK YOU LOWER CASE NICK!
BEDA seems fun, I just need to keep getting my feet wet with this blogging thing. I feel like I need to be more interesting, have more attitude, and be overall krazy in this blog. (See I'm starting already, see the "K" back there?)
Tomorrow will be interesting, I'm going see Eclipse for the 2nd time! Not because I liked it that much, but for my friend and I to make jokes throughout with our friend who will be seeing it for the first time. It's okay though, she agreed to this. And it's $6 saver Tuesdays! Remember when that used to be fifty cents more than the cost of a ticket on a friday night, not a tuesday matinee? I plan on writing down these jokes and posting them in tomorrow's blog, so stay tuned! (SPOILER ALERT: Wolves like Denim)
I've read a few other blogs, and I really like what I'm seeing. The people here are super nice and interesting. So, nice people, leave me any questions in the comments! Until tomorrow~!

I feel like I should start putting that thing that people put at the end of their blogs, so here it goes; my first thoughts in the morning are usually very bizarre!

This morning's first thought: "Migrate, Migrate, Migrate!"


  1. I did the same thing with New Moon. I only went because it was Free Movie night at my college, and ended up going with a group of Twihards whom I was sure would kill me by the end of the night, but it turned out to be fun.

  2. Many greetings! I'm no great shakes at blogging, myself--but it can be fun, so don't worry! The fun is the best part, comments or attention or no.

    I haven't seen Eclipse. In fact, I'm pretty much trying to avoid it. Is it worth it for the jokes?

  3. I actually started to keep a pen and paper by my bed because I either woke up with krazy (see what I did there?) ideas or coming up with them as I fall asleep. Once, I woke up thinking, "There can be no Christmas without the Christmas squirrel," and I'm relatively certain my dream had nothing to do with that.

    Also, I feel your shoe-related pain. I know my size, but stores rarely have it, since I am big-foot.

    Keep being Krazy!

  4. Please. Post these Eclipse jokes. xD

    I found nerdfighting through a Breaking Dawn release party...and promptly dumped the whole Twilight scene right after reading about a certain baby gnawing out of someone's innards. It was one of the best moves I have ever made, dropping that whole S. Meyer situation.
    I am now purely a proud Potterhead.

    I never finished Breaking Dawn, and now it is locked away in my basement. For real.

    Happy day 2!


  5. I use to love using those nifty foot measuring devices when I was little! Of course, I never knew how to read my size off of them or anything, they were just very shiny and felt vaguely scientific.

    I went to laugh at Eclipse a few days ago, and I don't think I could ever see it again. Many parts were funny, but most of the time I felt the way I do when I'm looking at an incredibly embarrassing photo album: awkward, and slighty sorry for the people involved. Still, the shattering vampires made it almost worth it.

  6. Your blog makes me laugh. :D
    I have never understood those foot things in the shoe store either. I kind of just put on shoes that I like until I find a pair that fits.
    I hope you have fun at the movie.

  7. Much like how road trips become infinitely better if one stops at every roadside attraction (e.g. World's Largest Ball of Twine), life can be improved if one takes every opportunity to bargain shop.

  8. Yay for Eclipse. I've seen it six times. No, seriously. Although, I work at the movie theatre, so I get free movies. I only actually paid for it twice. I'm quite the Twilight fan, honestly, but I like making fun of the movies, too :D I'll be interested to read your blog tomorrow! Maybe I'll have to make mine Eclipse-themed, too...

  9. God...Twilight. Scourge of humanity.

    Where are you going to college? UL?
