Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I guess.....
This is.....


BEDA is over, but blogging is not!

Why was I so sad today then?
I was sad because I was no longer going to be forced by my own responsible self to write everyday! I was sad because I would not get to share my thoughts with you guys, and get the most positive feedback ever! I was sad because I'm really going to miss reading blog posts everyday! I was sad because I feel like I haven't commented on enough blog posts!

No matter. I never took BEDA for granite (correct spelling?) I felt that this whole experience has been a gift, privilege, etc.

So, as I said, Blogging will not end here. I plan to blog hopefully once a week at least with a nice topic!

Thank you guys for putting up with me! Even through those days where I did less that I should've, but even for the ranting days.

BEDA had a purpose, it made me more comfortable with written expression, and it settled my nerves for college and life. That you all.



  1. Nick, it's been a pleasure to BEDA with you. I have enjoyed every post that you have put up.

    I am very glad that you aren't stopping blogging after BEDA's done.

    To Blogging in September and beyond!

  2. I really want to draw a picture of BEDA for granite, lol. I think you mean for granted, but I could possibly be the one that's wrong and look like the very silly one... Also, when people are talking about granite, they use that as a title a lot. Since puns are fun :)

    It's been so much fun reading your blog posts, and I feel really bad for not commenting much! I look forward to more, and I'm glad that you're going to continue.


  3. I've enjoyed your blog so much! You're a really cool guy (and by cool I mean AWESOME NERDY).

    BEDA has been so totally awesome. I cannot express. =D

  4. BEDA has been really great. I feel like we found a bizarre little family this month, and I hope that won't go away when we all go back to the "real world."

    It's been a pleasure to get to know you, and I hope to continue in doing so!

  5. I took BEDA for granite. And other intrusive igneous rocks.

  6. It's been fun and I'm glad you will continue to blog :)

  7. I will miss BEDA. :/ The blogging continues! But tis different. Sigh.
