Friday, August 13, 2010

BEDA Thirteen Double Post ALL THE WAY

SUP, llamas?!

I'm running on 5 hours of sleep! Holla! Well, I'm not really "running" I'm typing, but you know that obviously. =P Yesterday's blog was a fluke (fun word!) And I'm sorry for that. We went drink coffee, then saw the midnight premiere of Scott Pilgram, then stayed up until 7 a.m. hanging out with friends.
So, Scott Pilgram v.s. the World was basically the best movie experience of my life! It's a movie for nerds, and all of my friends are HUGE nerds! The 30 minutes before a movie that you anticipate, like John Green says, are the funnest, because everyone just keeps talking about how excited they are!
Okay, so there's this internet clip that came out a couple of weeks ago, that Sxephil featured, but it's been taken off since then. But, the gist of it is, that it's a trailer of a movie that actually looks pretty good, but then M. Night Shyamalan's name appears as the director, and EVERYONE in the theatre starts groaning. It's lol-riffic. So, last night, the same trailer came up
and when M. Night's name came up, EVERYONE GROANED. And then we all laughed and high-fived each other. I'm not saying that it was like just my row, but the ENTIRE THETRE. We didn't even have to say anything, and we celebrated in our nerdom! The experience, didn't even make me regret watching it, craning my neck in the third row. IT was an amazing movie, and I can't wait to see it again in 3D.

Okay, so that's my blog for today, but here's what I SHOULD have posted yesterday:

My PICK NICK I've chosen is to list my top 5 favorite songs and say why. Suggested by Whimsy

Ummm ranking music is uncomfortable for me, I guess I feel like the music I rank last out of 5 (which is still pretty good in my opinion) will come hurt me or something, but I think I will just list in a bulleted fashion, 5 songs I REALLY REALLY LIKE =D

* "Love Love Love" by The Mountain Goats
Filled with references about love from the not-so obvious perspective. It shows how our depiction of love is different that all depictions of love, perspectives of other people.

*"It All Makes Sense at the End" by Hank Green
It such a cute and mathematically accurate song about how life is made up mostly of things that we are oblivious to, but it's the people that we are with, that we remember make us care about life.

*"Stay Up Stay Lifted" by SeesoDPG35000
I found this on Hank's Twitter one day, and it really captivated me. I can't say why, it's just this rap about caring for each other and keeping calm and self respect. It's a super uplifting song.

*"Shortwave Part 2" by both Alan Lastufka and Luke Conard
This sing is incredibly passionate and just insanely uplifting song about expression. It's sung beautifully and in a way that you belt it everytime you hear it, and the lyrics are very much heartfelt.

*"Why the Sun Really Does Shine" by Charlie McDonnell
This was released on the DFTBA Lullaby Cd and it's a cover of a They Might Be Giants song, but I love the way it's sung and how passionately nerdy it is. Great song. The End

Well, there are my 5 songs I REALLY LIKE, but I LOVE a ton more!
See you tomorrow!

First thought of the day: "No School! jk"


  1. Firstly, thank you very muchlysome for the link and nod. I am very glad that you liked my PICK NICK.

    Secondly, Scott Pilgrim seems really good. I've heard nothing but great reviews, so I'll have to see if I can maybe see it at the drive-in, or when it comes out on DVD. (Not a huge movies-in-the-theatre person.)

    Thirdly, lovely/amusing music. I quite enjoyed it, I must say.


  2. I am also functioning on five hours of sleep. It's pretty magical.

  3. Those songs are good. I love Erase This. It is my driving CD.

    I may or may not steal your idea (or Whimsy's I should say) of listing five of my favorite songs. I think it is a good way to introduce other people to new music. I'd never heard "Love love love," but I like it!

  4. Dude, I had the same thing happen. I went to an advanced screening in New Orleans about 2 or 3 weeks before it released, and while the trailer for Devil was on, there were whispers of "Hey, that looks kind of cool". Then on the screen comes, "From the mind of M. Night Shyamalan" and the entire theatre collectively groaned, "Aw, man!"

    Now, I actually like M. Night, particularly Lady in the Water, Sixth Sense, and Unbreakable. But it was still hilarious as hell.

    And then I felt kind of guilty. I work in film, and it's really, really hard work, and a lot of pressure. Which is why I will NEVER direct movies based on ideas with huge fan bases such as Harry Potter, LoTR, Avatar, etc... If you do well, the nerds will adore you. But it's far more likely you will do something to piss them off, and the wrath of a nerd is something I would never like to experience.

    And Scott Pilgrim freaking rocked.
